Ceto.AI website


I was contacted by Tony (founder) in June '23 to fill the technical leadership position here at CetoAI and joined shortly after.

We've just closed our seed round and are generating revenue, so my time is currently split between hiring our core engineering team and product roadmapping.

There are f'ing loads of difficult software and hardware challenges to solve, so if this sounds like fun, please get in touch!

Image of books using SHELV bookshelf on wall


In March 2023, Laura was looking for a specific kind of bookshelf that didn't exist in the marketplace (and certainly not at an attractive pricepoint!).

So, I set about desigining something, and contracted a factory in China to manufacture a small production run.

Now, 2 months after receiving the first prototypes, we've launched SHELV.co

Beautiful, minimalist furntirure and bookshelves that disappear. Let's see where this goes...

DAOHQ logo


I joined founders Emmet & Lucas as their first hire as they were dropping out of Harvard to go full time on DAOHQ.

I lead the product and technical side of the business, building out the full stack initially and then hiring some brilliant engineers to join me.

We built the world's first DAO marketplace, and shipped a tonne of unique products in a very short space of time across a broad infrastructure.

The business was put 'on ice' in March '23. Contact me if you're interested in taking it further.

Image of SendJoy.app


SendJoy.app helps the world spread love removing the awkwardness that often stops people from saying good things to others.

We use a Python sentiment analyzer to ensure that the content of the message is well-meaning and then automatically generate our social content.

It's self-funded by my bro and I, so click here if you'd like to suppport us. It's a good cause!

Image of Summarise GPT-4 app


I spun up Summarize-GPT in a day using NuxtJS.

It's super simple: it makes use of the GPT-4 API to allow users to pass in much greater input data than using ChatGPT.

Friends and family use it to summarize reports, contracts etc. with an easy interface.

Feel free to make use of it!

Image of 6Degrees.co landing page


adTorch has been rolled in to another company.

The SaaS product helps illuminate where our users' leads are being generated, so they can better understand their ad spend and marketing campaigns.

I built the full stack, whilst co-founders handled BD. We've rolled the product in to the co-founders' existing company.

Image of the Dhamma Hall at Aruna Ratanagiri

Aruna Ratanagiri

Aruna Ratanagiri is a Therevada Buddhist monastery in Northumberland, England.

Kris Quigley and I are in the process of rebuilding the existing platform.

The current spec requires a full user permissions / control, CMS and audio upload / hosting and integrations, as well as a centrally served API for other monasteries to access / share content.

Image of lauandben.wedding


Customary wedding invite website

Laura and I got married in the summer of 2022. And, of course, I built out a simple, single page invite.

With this being the only source of invite info for 80+ year olds, usability was key ;)

Firestore database for permissions etc etc. Nothing clever, but it looked great!

Image of 6Degrees.co landing page


6Degrees is a passion project turned startup.

With contacts in the extreme sports world, I developed a fan-direct business model, where fans can directly support their favorite athletes. Think Only Fans, but for athletes.

We held advanced talks with RedBull discussing a formal partnership with their World Cup MTB coverage.

Ultimately, it requires more $$$ (and time) than I can give it, but there is a full product sitting there, unused. Contact me if you'd like to take it further.

Image of 6Degrees.co landing page

Mango Bikes

Mango Bikes is a vertically integrated bicycle brand, designing, painting, assembling and delivering bikes, direct-to-consumer.

I co-founded the business with Jezz in 2012 whilst at university.

We profitably bootstrapped the business to over £1 million revenue in 3 years, managing crazy supply chains, in-house assembly and powdercoating facility and other operational demands.